

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Little boy studying mathematics - Photo. It's not what you expect.

This child works as a cattle-herder in Northern Nigeria.  This man photographed him as he studied his trigonometry while watching over his cattle.
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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Profiles: Work in the past and work in the future

More on the shortened workday / workweek here and here: UpNaira // The world can afford to shrink the workweek.

It does seem imperative that we adjust to a post-industrial lifestyle, with more play and leisure, more sleep and rest, and less "work" per se. 
In what ways will we adjust education to these realities?  
For example, what skills are important and what are being / have been automated away? 
What school-and-work behaviours are important and what are 20th-century anachronisms? 
Will we have more teachers or fewer?  More professors or fewer? 
Will we always have mathematics and mathematicians and what questions should occupy them? 
Will people work in multiple careers simultaneously (parallel) or single careers consecutively (series)? 
Will everybody have access to basic pay and resources to let them work and play as they will, or will there remain an imperative to find work to earn basic pay for survival?  

Kindly take some time to think about these things and start a discussion with friends. 

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