

Monday, May 30, 2016

Using the internet (more fully) for scientific communication (finally!)

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Blurb: Preprints are a way in which a manuscript containing scientific results can be rapidly communicated from one scientist, or a a group of scientists, to the entire scientific community. This video by ASAPbio (Accelerating Science and Publication in biology) explains what preprints are and their benefits, how they differ from journal publications, and how scientists can use both mechanisms to communicate their work.

Monday, May 16, 2016

I love you, Coursera! And all the other MOOC platforms too.

To learn math online,
there's Khan Academy with elementary math
and you can follow that up with Calculus and such
before running out of high-quality, sleekly-produced lessons. 

For advanced math(s),
there are some nice recorded lectures - everything from Fields Medalist symposia on youtube to full semesters from the OCW-era;
there were some false-starts at providing sexy math MOOCs but plagued with poor audio and sorta boring speakers;
and there is this site/utility that is in-between levels, this one :) , seeking to be accessible yet interesting to any math enthusiast; 
and there'll be more open math, allowing anybody anywhere get engaged/obsessed/expert 

Learning Mathematics the easy way in the 21st century -

Already, there is quite a lot on mathematics and allied subjects (e.g. engineering, science, data analysis, computing, ...) that is very good and very attractive.  Have you tried a math mooc yet?   I've reported on some of my experiments teaching with Coursera here.  What has your experience been? 
Maths the easy way in the 21st centurty -

I'm just amazed to have such access to world-class education, and that's why I'm addicted to MOOC life. 

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