

Friday, February 17, 2017

What do you see?

 "Benjamin Banneker was obsessed with math and science. And his appetite for knowledge only grew as he taught himself astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and the study of the natural world."

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I've also been studying lives on Wikipedia: of Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shall we stick with logic or should we consider a shift to meaninglessness?

Reasoning is important. 

(We can still agree on this, one hopes?)

This series will teach you how to do it well.
  • Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments 
  • Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively 
  • Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively 
  • Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies
It's called Think Again (How To Reason And Argue) on CourseraHere are some reviews.  I haven't taken it myself, but I adore Coursera as you know, and I recall that this was touted as a most popular and well-loved course. 

Mathematicians are getting tired of the illogic in (American, soon-to-be-world) society, so please do what you can to help! 
Study something. 
Be less illogical. 
Share 'Think Again' with your friends. 

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